Monday 16 July 2012

According to this recent article 56% of on-line retailers are not displaying full energy label information.

In addition 30% of high street traders are displaying labels that are inaccurate when compared to the manufacturers specification

I guess it's a case of not just taking the information at face value and always verifying the information post purchase.

Our digital and flexographic presses produce high quality energy labels in both low and high volume.  However it seems it must be down to the end user now to confirm the right label is on the right appliance... if on there at all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

REALLY!!!!! No, it is up to the manufacturer to provide accurate information for the label printers to produce! Wow! Yes, I can see where a consumer might feel a need to check these things out, and these days, it makes a lot of sense. But the requirement for these custom labels to be on the products in the first place puts the responsibility for providing accurate data squarely on the manufacturer. Seriously. Thanks for the article. It seems like instead of checking and verifying the data on every label, we should be pressuring the manufacturers as a group of concerned consumers, don't ya think?